Are you a skilled worker looking to come to Australia to ply your trade? Australia has long been a popular destination for skilled foreign migrants due to the many advantages of living and working in a prosperous country.

How can you get started on your journey to live and work in Australia? For many skilled workers, a work visa is the ideal route. Find out how to apply for a work visa for skilled workers below.

What Skills are Needed to Apply for a Work Visa?

First and foremost, it is essential to consider your skills before applying for one of the many visas to work in Australia like employee sponsored visa. Depending on the visa subclass you wish to apply for, your profession may be listed on the skilled occupation list.

Generally, the professions listed on the occupation list reflect what is currently in demand by the Australian labour market and thus can change over time. There are many occupations listed, ranging from hospitality workers to accountants, construction estimators, entertainers, dental technicians, and many more. It is strongly advised that you consult the list to find your trade and to see the corresponding visa eligibility schemes that you can apply for.


To address skill shortages in Australia’s labour market, the government has put together an online resource called Skillselect, which allows you to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be listed as an invitation candidate by state and territorial governments in Australia for employment opportunities.

For many visa applicants to Australia under the various skilled labour streams, Skillselect is where your visa application journey will begin. State and territory governments go through multiple invitation rounds yearly, ranging from around 4-6 as seen from 2020-2022.

Which Visa Should I Apply for to Work in Australia?

There are hundreds of visa categories and subclasses, most of which will not be relevant to you for skilled labour. Instead of sifting through every visa scheme, one by one, it is far better to use the government’s website to browse for skilled labour visa subcategories. However, the amount of choice can be overwhelming even after filtering for these specific visas.

The short answer is “it depends.” It depends on your skilled trade, how long you intend to remain in the country, whether or not you need to be sponsored by an employer directly, and in some cases, where you intend to remain (metro urban area vs regional rural area). Moreover, you’ll need to meet the eligibility of the visa you wish to apply for, which can vary from visa to visa.

For example, the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482) is a popular visa category for many skilled labourers, as it allows them to enter and remain in Australia for anywhere from 2-4 years with the possibility of remaining longer under a different visa scheme or through obtaining residency.

There are many other visa subclasses that may be more appropriate for your specific circumstances, however, which is why it is highly advised to consult with an immigration law specialist that can help you select the right visa, apply, and submit all documents in a timely and professional manner.

AIM Lawyers

Contact us at AIM Lawyers to get started on your journey to working in Australia.